
 Lab Director

Thomas Beechem leads the Specere Laboratory at Purdue, which focuses on leveraging nanoscale phonon-physics to create thermal, spectroscopic (i.e., sensing), and infrared solutions.

Thomas joined the faculty of Purdue University’s Mechanical Engineering Department in August of 2021. Beforehand, he was a scientist at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM, for 12 years where he held an affiliate appointment with the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT). He has authored more than 85 archival publications, holds 5 patents, and had his work selected as the featured “cover article” on 5 separate occasions by 6 different periodicals. He received a 2015 Defense Program Award of Excellence and was named one of Sandia’s “Up and Coming Innovators” in 2016. In 2017, he was named an associate editor for the Journal of Heat Transfer, a role that he remains in today.

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Graduate Researchers

fernando vega

Project: Electron-Based Spectroscopic Ellipsometric Imaging of Defects (Sandia Academic Alliance LDRD)

Research Interests: Optical property characterization, Oxide materials, Assistive Technology
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Walter smith

Project: Three-Dimensional Ferroelectric Microelectronics (3dFEM EFRC)

Research Interests: Ferroelectric materials, Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy
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Shuhang Lyu

Project: Mechanics of Nanoscale Thru Silicon Vias

Research Interests: Microfabrication, Semiconductor packaging
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jacob minyard

Project: Polaritonic Energy Transport

Research Interests: Microelectronics Cooling, Ellipsometry, Optical Properties
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abdulaziz alkandari

Project: Anharmonic Lattice Dynamics in Thermal Transport and Spectroscopy (Co-Advised with Xiulin Ruan)

Research Interests: Nanoscale Thermal Transport, 1st Principles Computational Simulation, Phonon Physics
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Edward walker

Project: Spectroscopic Nanoscale Thermometry

Research Interests: Microelectronics Cooling, Hardware Characterization, Thermal Physics

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Sahej Sharma

Project: Advanced Spectroscopy of Semiconductors Materials.

Research Interests: Spectroscopy, Consumer Toys, Ferroelectric Materials.
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ananya Srivastava

Project: Circuit Design to Analyze Self-Heating Effect in FinFETs

Research Interests: RTL Design, Front-End VLSI
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Undergraduate Researchers

Arihant Kaul

Project: Optical Property Characterization in the Infrared

Research Interests: Nanophotonics, Thermal Sensing, Propulsion Systems, Aerodynamics, Astronomy, Aerospace Systems
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Bradon Timms

Project: Raman Shifts of Ferroelectric AlBN

Research Interests: Raman spectroscopy, Optical Properties, Semiconductors

Epiphany White

Project: NHZO Defect Characterization

Research Interests: Assistive technology, Ramen and Photoluminescence spectroscopy, Optical Properties
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Jessica Jittu

Project: MXenes Photoinduced Phase Change


Specere Alumni

Zak Piontkowski

Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2020-2021

Current Position: 
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences Department 
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM

Amun Jarzembski

Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2019-2021

Current Position: 
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Applied Optical and Plasma Sciences Department
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 

Elbara Ziade

Specere Mentee, 2017-2021

Current Position:
Thermal Design 
Apple Inc., Seattle, WA

Christopher Saltonstall

Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2016-2018

Current Position: 
Senior Member of Technical Staff 
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 

Michael Goldflam

Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2015-2017

Current Position: 
Principal Scientist
STR, San Diego, CA

Colin Landon

Post-Doctoral Researcher, 2014-2015

Current Position: 
Nanoscale Thermal Modeling Scientist
Intel Corporation, Hillsboro, OR

Ryan Shaffer

Graduate Student Intern, 2013-2015

Current Position: 
Member of Technical Staff 
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 

Luke Yates 

Undergraduate Student Intern, 2011-2013

Current Position: 
Senior Member of Technical Staff 
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM 

Where They Are Working